Thursday, July 23, 2009


NASA - National Association of Students of Architecture

The National Association of Students of Architecture,(referred as NASA on this site) constitutes of over 95% of the architecture students across 120 colleges in the country as members of this organization. NASA is a national level student association and one of the largest of its kind in Asia it holds great significance, being the only one of its kind in the world. The immense manpower and resources at hand should be put to use in such a manner that benefit both the members of NASA and also society on the whole.

As of today NASA integrates only an annual and zonal convention in its framework. Over 100 colleges work for months at a stretch for the 5 trophies. There is a tremendous need for suggestions for disaster struck areas, rural centers where one can't afford architects. There is a supply of relevant data and designs in NASA and the demand for it exists, the link to complete this cycle of supply and demand is aimed at. As NASA compleeted its Golden Jubilee year, it is an ideal time to retrospect the role NASA plays in the current professional and social scenario. With this background, in mind this is the ideal time to consider the direction NASA is going to take in the future.

Being a student organization the main objective of NASA is to increase cross college interaction. It would be ideal to have students of different college's team up to work during workshops and seminars to enhance the interaction between students.

NASA Activities

NASA does a variety of activities. The rainbow of activities is aimed to fulfill the ideals on which NASA came in to existence. All the NASA activities bring together and improves the interaction among the members.

The annual convention and the zonal conventions being the major activities bring together whole of the architectural student and professional community of India. NASA aims to conserve the Architectural Heritage of India throught the LIK trophy, also tries to provide architectural solutions to social problems through the HUDCO trophy and much more. The annual magzine planned to be published during late november is planned to spread the word of sucess and triumph of NASA.


The host college is to present the pre-final draft of the trophy details at the First Council Meet (inclusive of number and size of sheets/ photos/models etc.). The finalized drafts should then be mailed and received by all the member colleges before May 31 st (To facilitate incorporation into respective syllabi). The Unit Secretaries, on receipt of the details shall purpose the matter with their college authorities to get them incorporated into the following year's curriculum. The trophy details are to bear no ambiguity as regards the sheet sizes, number, formats, photographs, design requirements etc. Theme should be noted down and should be reflected in the trophy detail. The sheets of citation winning entries are the property of NASA. Returning the sheets back to the units depends on the discretion of the executive council.

Louis I Khan

This trophy is based on documentation. As for as knowledge goes, the topics should not have been studied before.The documentation and analysis should be done with respect to social, cultural, climatic and other factors.The entries shall is on film, done in black/white with pen.The college is to submit two sets of blue print.

Nari Gandhi

This is a trophy, which involves analysis. It may also concern itself with the analysis of a structure or a group of structures, studied in a particular (given) context. The presentation consists of documentation and analysis.


This is a trophy that came in to existence to create a ground for the budding architects to compare and analyze themselves with all their counterparts of different member colleges of NASA. Any academic work of the student can be an entry in this trophy.

G Sen

This is a trophy, which invites design proposals. It may also concern itself with the design of a structure or a group of structures, studied in a particular (given) context. The presentation consists of documentation, analysis and proposals.


This is a trophy, sponsered by HUDCO. This trophy invites innovative design proposals to the requirements given. The requirements are mostly framed with an aim of achiving cost effective solutions to the current Urban and housing problems of the country.

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